SCIE Papers
Kim, D. E., and Suh, N. P., 1991, "On Microscopic Mechanisms of Friction and Wear", Wear, Vol. 149, No. 1-2, pp. 199-208, September (SCIE, IF 2.950).
Kim, D. E., and Suh, N. P., 1992, "Chemical Smoothing of Rough Metal Surfaces", Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 114, No. 4, pp. 421-426, November (SCIE, IF 2.616).
Kim, D. E., and Suh, N. P., 1993, "Plastic Deformation of Silicon During Contact Sliding at Ambient Temperature", Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 28, No. 14, pp. 3895-3899, January (SCIE, IF 3.442).
Kim, D. E., and Suh, N. P., 1993, "Frictional Behavior of Extremely Smooth and Hard Solids", Wear, Vol. 162, pp. 873-879, April (SCIE, IF 2.950).
Kim, D. E., and Suh, N. P., 1994, "Molecular Dynamics Investigation of Two-Dimensional Atomic-Scale Friction", Journal of Tribology, Vol. 116, No. 2, pp. 225-231, January (SCIE, IF 1.648).
Jang, D. S., and Kim, D. E., 1996, "Tribological Behavior of Ultra-Thin Soft Metallic Deposits on Hard Substrates", Wear, Vol. 196, No. 1-2, pp. 171-179, April (SCIE, IF 2.950).
Lee, J. H., Kim, D. E., and Lee, S. J., 1996, "Application of Neural Networks to Flank Wear Prediction", Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 3, No. 10, pp. 265-276, May (SCIE, IF 5.005).
Dunkin, J. E., and Kim, D. E., 1996, "Measurement of Static Friction Coefficient Between Flat Surfaces", Wear, Vol. 193, No. 2, pp. 186-192, May (SCIE, IF 2.950).
Jang, D. S., and Kim, D. E., 1996, "Optimum Film Thickness of Thin Metallic Coatings on Silicon Substrates for Low Load Sliding Applications", Tribology International, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 345-356, June (SCIE, IF 3.517).
Lee, J. H., Kim, D. E., and Lee, S. J., 1998, "Statistical Analysis of Cutting Force Ratios for Flank-Wear Monitoring", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 74, No. 1-3, pp. 104-114, February (SCIE, IF 4.178).
Kim, D. E., and Hwang, D. H., 1998, "Experimental Investigation of the Influence of Machining Condition on the Contact Sliding Behavior of Metals", Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 120, No. 2, pp. 395-400, April (SCIE, IF 2.616).
Kim, D. E., and Yi, J. J., 1998, "Micro-Patterning of Silicon by Frictional Interaction and Chemical Reaction", Journal of Tribology, Vol. 120, No. 2, pp. 353-357, April (SCIE, IF 1.648).
Chung, K. H., Lee, S. C., and Kim, D. E., 1998, "Assessment of Surface Damage Mechanisms of Head/Disk Interface Using CSS and Drag Tests", IEEE transactions on magnetics, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 1714-1716, July (SCIE, IF 1.651).
Yang, S. H., Kong, H., Yoon, E. S., and Kim, D. E., 1999, "An Experimental Study on the Rolling Resistance of Bearings Coated by Pure Silver", Wear, Vol. 225, pp. 119-126, April (SCIE, IF 2.950).
Hwang, D. H., Sung, I. H., Kim, D. E., and Lee, S. J., 1999, "Effects of Material Pair Properties on the Frictional Behavior of Metals", Wear, Vol. 225, pp. 600-614, April (SCIE, IF 2.950).
Hwang, D. H., Kim, D. E., and Lee, S. J., 1999, "Influence of Wear Particle Interaction in the Sliding Interface on Friction of Metals", Wear, Vol. 225, pp. 427-439, April (SCIE, IF 2.950).
Park, C. W., Kim, D. E., and Lee, S. J., 1999, "Shape Prediction During the Cylindrical Traverse Grinding of a Slender Workpiece", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 88, No. 1-3, pp. 23-32, April (SCIE, IF 4.178).
Cha, K. H., Lee, S. C., Han, D. K., Lee, S. M., and Kim, D. E., 1999, "Experimental Investigation of AE and Friction Signals Related to the Durability of Head/Disk Interface", Tribology International, Vol. 32, No. 7, pp. 399-405, July (SCIE, IF 3.517).
Cha, K. H., Chung, K. H., and Kim, D. E., 1999, "Effect of Slider Load on the Wear Debris Contamination Tendency of Head/Slider", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 35, No. 5, pp. 2355-2357, September (SCIE, IF 1.651).
Chung, K. H., Han, D. K., Park, J. W., Lee, S. C., and Kim, D. E., 2001, "Feasible Method for Accelerated Testing of Head-Disk Interface Tribological Behavior", Journal of Information Storage and Processing Systems, Vol. 3, No. 1-2, pp. 17-25, January (SCIE, IF 1.095).
Kim, D. E., Park, J. W., Han, D. K., Park, Y. S., Chung, K. H., and Park, N. Y., 2001, "Strategies for Improvement of Tribological Characteristics at the Head/Disk Interface", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 912-917, March (SCIE, IF 1.651).
Yang, S. H., Kong, H., Choi, S. C., and Kim, D. E., 2001, "The Effect of Humidity on the Rolling Resistance of Silver Coatings Modified by Plasma Surface Treatments", Wear, Vol. 249, No. 9, pp. 780-787, September (SCIE, IF 2.950).
Lee, J. M., Jin, W. H., and Kim, D. E., 2001, "Application of Single Asperity Abrasion Process for Surface Micro-Machining", Wear, Vol. 251, No. 1-12, pp. 1133-1143, October (SCIE, IF 2.950).
Cha, K. H., and Kim, D. E., 2001, "Investigation of the Tribological Behavior of Octadecyltrichlorosilane Deposited on Silicon", Wear, Vol. 251, No. 1-12, pp. 1169-1176, October (SCIE, IF 2.950).
Kim, D. E., Cha, K. H., Sung, I. H., and Bryan, J., 2002, "Design of Surface Micro-Structures for Friction Control in Micro-Systems Applications", CIRP Annals, Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 495-498, January (SCIE, IF 3.826).
Yang, S. H., Kong, H., Lee, K. R., Park, S., and Kim, D. E., 2002, "Effect of Environment on the Tribological Behavior of Si-Incorporated Diamond-Like Carbon Films", Wear, Vol. 252, No. 1-2, pp. 70-79, January (SCIE, IF 2.950).
Lee, J. M., Sung, I. H., and Kim, D. E., 2002, "Process Development of Precision Surface Micro-Machining Using Mechanical Abrasion and Chemical Etching", Microsystem Technologies, Vol. 8, No. 6, pp. 419-426, September (SCIE, IF 1.513).
Yang, S. H., Kong, H., Yoon, E. S., and Kim, D. E., 2003, "The Role of Transfer Layer on the Tribological Characteristics of Silver-Coated Surfaces", Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 163, pp. 457-464, January (SCIE, IF 3.192).
Sung, I. H., Lee, H. S., and Kim, D. E., 2003, "Prediction of Asperity Contact Condition Using FFT-Based Analysis for Micro-Grooved Surface Design in Tribological Applications", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 36, No. 7, pp. 939, April (SCIE, IF 2.829).
Kim, D. E., Chung, K. H., and Cha, K. H., 2003, "Tribological Design Methods for Minimum Surface Damage of HDD Slider", Tribology International, Vol. 36, No. 4-6, pp. 467-473, April (SCIE, IF 3.517).
Kim, J. H., Kim, D. E., and Kang, H. J., 2003, "Head-Disk Interface in Near-Field Recording Disks", Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 42, No. 5A, pp. 2746, May (SCIE, IF 1.471).
Sung, I. H., Lee, H. S., and Kim, D. E., 2003, "Effect of Surface Topography on the Frictional Behavior at the Micro/Nano-Scale", Wear, Vol. 254, No. 10, pp. 1019-1031, July (SCIE, IF 2.950).
Yang, S. H., Kong, H., Yoon, E. S., and Kim, D. E., 2003, "A Wear Map of Bearing Steel Lubricated by Silver Films", Wear, Vol. 255, No. 7-12, pp. 883-892, August (SCIE, IF 2.950).
Chung, K. H., Lee, J. K., Kim, D. E., and Kim, J. H., 2003, "Effect of Substrate and Protective Coating on the Tribological Characteristics of Optical Recording Media", Wear, Vol. 255, No. 7-12, pp. 1306-1313, August (SCIE, IF 2.950).
Chung, K. H., and Kim, D. E., 2003, "Fundamental Investigation of Micro Wear Rate Using an Atomic Force Microscope", Tribology Letters, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 135-144, August (SCIE, IF 2.235).
Sung, I. H., Yang, J. C., Kim, D. E., and Shin, B. S., 2003, "Micro/Nano-Tribological Characteristics of Self-Assembled Monolayer and its Application in Nano-Structure Fabrication", Wear, Vol. 255, No. 7-12, pp. 808-818, August (SCIE, IF 2.950).
Sung, I. H., and Kim, D. E., 2003, "Fabrication of Micro/Nano-Patterns Using MC-SPL (Mechano-Chemical Scanning Probe Lithography) Process", International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 22-26, September (SCIE, IF 1.779).
Kang, S. H., and Kim, D. E., 2003, "Investigation of EDM Characteristics of Nickel-Based Heat Resistant Alloy", KSME International Journal, Vol. 17, No. 10, pp. 1475-1484, October (SCIE, IF 0.333).
Kim, Y. S., Yang, J. C., and Kim, D. E., 2004, "Effect of Film Thickness on the Tribological Characteristics of Zdol Lubricant on Silicon Surface", International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 13-18, January (SCIE, IF 1.779).
Chung, K. H., and Kim, D. E., 2004, "Wear Characteristics of Atomic Force Microscope Tip", International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 39-45, April (SCIE, IF 1.779).
Kim, Y. T., Sung, I. H., and Kim, D. E., 2004, "Electrical Impedance Change due to Contamination at the Contact Interface of Connectors for Automobile Crank Shaft Position Sensor", International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 46-52, April (SCIE, IF 1.779).
Baek, N. K., Sung, I. H., and Kim, D. E., 2004, "Frictional Resistance Characteristics of a Capsule Inside the Intestine for Microendoscope Design", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, Vol. 218, No. 3, pp. 193-201, May (SCIE, IF 1.317).
Kim, Y. T., Sung, I. H., Kim, J. S., and Kim, D. E., 2004, "Effects of Contact Conditions on the Connector Electrical Resistance of Direct Current Circuits", International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 5-10, July (SCIE, IF 1.779).
Chung, K. H., Lee, J. W., and Kim, D. E., 2004, "Nano-Mechanical and Tribological Characteristics of Ultra-Thin Amorphous Carbon Film Investigated by AFM", KSME International Journal, Vol. 18, No. 10, pp. 1772-1781, October (SCIE, IF 0.333).
Chung, K. H., Oh, J. K., Moon, J. T., and Kim, D. E., 2004, "Particle Monitoring Method Using Acoustic Emission Signal for Analysis of Slider/Disk/Particle Interaction", Tribology International, Vol. 37, No. 10, pp. 849-857, October (SCIE, IF 3.517).
Sung, I. H., and Kim, D. E., 2004, "Surface Damage Characteristics of Self-Assembled Monolayers of Alkanethiols on Metal Surfaces", Tribology Letters, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 835-844, November (SCIE, IF 2.235).
Chung, K. H., Lee, Y. H., and Kim, D. E., 2005, "Characteristics of Fracture During the Approach Process and Wear Mechanism of a Silicon AFM Tip", Ultramicroscopy, Vol. 102, No. 2, pp. 161-171, January (SCIE, IF 2.644).
Sung, I. H., and Kim, D. E., 2005, "Nano-Scale Patterning by Mechano-Chemical Scanning Probe Lithography", Applied Surface Science, Vol. 239, No. 2, pp. 209-221, January (SCIE, IF 5.155).
Chung, K. H., Lee, Y. H., Kim, D. E., Yoo, J., and Hong, S., 2005, "Tribological Characteristics of Probe Tip and PZT Media for AFM-Based Recording Technology", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 41, No. 2, pp. 849-854, February (SCIE, IF 1.651).
Kim, D. E., Kim, Y. S., Chung, K. H., Lee, J. K., and Kim, S. K., 2005, "Development of flying type head/slider for optical recording technology", Tribology International, Vol. 38, No. 6-7, pp. 578-587, June (SCIE, IF 3.517).
Sung, I. H., and Kim, D. E., 2005, "Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study of the Nano-Wear Characteristics of Alkanethiol Self-Assembled Monolayers", Applied Physics A, Vol. 81, No. 1, pp. 109-114, July (SCIE, IF 1.784).
Kang, S. H., and Kim, D. E., 2005, "Effect of Electrical Discharge Machining Process on Crack Susceptibility of Nickel Based Heat Resistant Alloy", Materials Science and Technology, Vol. 21, No. 7, pp. 817-823, July (SCIE, IF 1.853).
Kang, S. H., and Kim, D. E., 2006, "Fatigue Crack Susceptibility of Electrical Discharge Drilled Holes in Nickel Based Heat Resistant Alloy", Materials Science and Technology, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 21-28, January (SCIE, IF 1.853).
Park, J. H., Kwon, E. Y., Jung, H. I., and Kim, D. E., 2006, "Direct Force Measurement of the Interaction Between Liposome and the C2A Domain of Synaptotagmin I Using Atomic Force Microscopy", Biotechnology Letters, Vol. 28, No. 7, pp. 505-509, April (SCIE, IF 2.154).
Kim, J. S., Sung, I. H., Kim, Y. T., Kwon, E. Y., Kim, D. E., and Jang, Y. H., 2006, "Experimental Investigation of Frictional and Viscoelastic Properties of Intestine for Microendoscope Application", Tribology Letters, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 143-149, May (SCIE, IF 2.235).
Lin, L. Y., Noh, D. S., and Kim, D. E., 2006, "Characteristics of Electrowetting of Self-Assembled Monolayer and Z-Tetraol Film", International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 35-38, July (SCIE, IF 1.779).
Lin, L. Y., Jeong, M. C., Kim, D. E., and Myoung, J. M., 2006, "Micro/Nanomechanical Properties of Aluminum-Doped Zinc Oxide Films Prepared by Radio Frequency Magnetron Sputtering", Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 201, No. 6, pp. 2547-2552, December (SCIE, IF 3.192).
Sung, I. H., and Kim, D. E., 2007, "Study on Nanoscale Abrasive Interaction Between Nanoprobe and Self-Assembled Molecular Surface for Probe-Based Nanolithography Process", Ultramicroscopy, Vol. 107, No. 1, pp. 1-7, January (SCIE, IF 2.644).
Chung, K. H., Lee, Y. H., Kim, Y. T., Kim, D. E., Yoo, J., and Hong, S., 2007, "Nano-Tribological Characteristics of PZT Thin Film Investigated by Atomic Force Microscopy", Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 201, No. 18, pp. 7983-7991, June (SCIE, IF 3.192).
Kwon, E. Y., Kim, Y. T., Park, J. H., Kim, D. E., and Jung, H. I., 2007, "Measurement of Pull-Off Forces by Atomic Force Microscope in Liquids Used for Biological Applications", Experimental Techniques, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 46-51, July (SCIE, IF 0.779).
Lin, L. Y., Seo, J. M., Jeong, M. C., Koo, K. J., Kim, D. E., and Myoung, J. M., 2007, "Wear Rate of Vertically Grown ZnO Nanowires Sliding Against Steel Micro-Sphere", Materials Science and Engineering: A, Vol. 460, pp. 370-376, July (SCIE, IF 4.081).
Chung, K. H., Jang, C. E., and Kim, D. E., 2007, "Wear Characteristics of Microscopic Bushings for MEMS Applications Investigated by an AFM", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 17, No. 9, pp. 1877, December (SCIE, IF 2.141).
Kim, J. S., Sung, I. H., Kim, Y. T., Kim, D. E., and Jang, Y. H., 2007, "Analytical Model Development for the Prediction of the Frictional Resistance of a Capsule Endoscope Inside an Intestine", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, Vol. 221, No. 8, pp. 837-845, November (SCIE, IF 1.317).
Chung, K. H., and Kim, D. E., 2007, "Wear Characteristics of Diamond-Coated Atomic Force Microscope probe", Ultramicroscopy, Vol. 108, No. 1, pp. 1-10, September (SCIE, IF 2.644).
Chung, K. H., Kim, H. J., Lin, L. Y., and Kim, D. E., 2008, "Tribological Characteristics of ZnO Nanowires Investigated by Atomic Force Microscope", Applied Physics A, Vol. 92, No. 2, pp. 267-274, August (SCIE, IF 1.784).
Lin, L. Y., Kim, H. J., and Kim, D. E., 2008, "Wetting Characteristics of ZnO Smooth Film and Nanowire Structure With and Without OTS Coating", Applied Surface Science, Vol. 254, No. 22, pp. 7370-7376, September (SCIE, IF 5.155).
Lin, L. Y., and Kim, D. E., 2009, "Effect of Annealing Temperature on the Tribological Behavior of ZnO Films Prepared by Sol–Gel Method", Thin Solid Films, Vol. 517, No. 5, pp. 1690-1700, January (SCIE, IF 1.888).
Kim, H. J., Jang, C. E., Kim, D. E., Kim, Y. K., Choa, S. H., and Hong, S., 2009, "Effects of Self-Assembled Monolayer and PFPE Lubricant on Wear Characteristics of Flat Silicon Tips", Tribology Letters, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 61-73, April (SCIE, IF 2.235).
Kim, H. J., and Kim, D. E., 2009, "Nano-Scale Friction: A review", International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 141-151, April (SCIE, IF 1.779).
Kim, H. J., Oh, T. S., and Kim, D. E., 2009, "Comparison of Indentation and Scribing Behaviors of Crystalline and Initially Deformed Silicon Tips by Molecular Dynamics Simulation", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 45, No. 5, pp. 2328-2331, May (SCIE, IF 1.651).
Kwon, E. Y., Kim, Y. T., and Kim, D. E., 2009, "Investigation of Penetration Force of Living Cell Using an Atomic Force Microscope", Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 23, No. 7, pp. 1932-1938, July (SCIE, IF 1.221).
Kim, Y. T., and Kim, D. E., 2009, "Biotribological Investigation of a Multi-Tube Foot for Traction Generation in a Medical Microrobot", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, Vol. 223, No. 6, pp. 677-686, August (SCIE, IF 1.317).
Lee, J. E., Kim, H. J., and Kim, D. E., 2010, "Assessment of Adhesion between Thin Film and Silicon Based on a Scratch test", Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 97-101, January (SCIE, IF 1.221).
Kim, Y. T., and Kim, D. E., 2010, "Novel Propelling Mechanisms based on Frictional Interaction for Endoscope Robot", Tribology Transactions, Vol. 53, No. 2, pp. 203-211, March (SCIE, IF 1.759).
Lee, S. H., Kim, Y. T., Yang, S., Yoon, E. S., Kim, D. E., and Suh, K. Y., 2010, "An Optimal Micropatterned End-Effecter for Enhancing Frictional Force on Large Intestinal Surface", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol. 2, No. 5, pp. 1308-1316, May (SCIE, IF 8.456).
Oh, T. S., Kim, H. J., and Kim, D. E., 2010, "Prevention of Hillock Formation During Micro-Machining of Silicon by Using OTS-SAM and SiO2 Coatings", CIRP Annals, Vol. 59, No. 1, pp. 259-262, May (SCIE, IF 3.826).
Kim, K. I., Kim, Y. T., and Kim, D. E., 2010, "Adhesion Characteristics of the Snail Foot under Various Surface Conditions", International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 623-628, August (SCIE, IF 1.779).
Kim, D. E., Kim, C. L., and Kim, H. J., 2011, "A Novel Approach to Wear Reduction of Micro-Components by Synthesis of Carbon Nanotube-Silver Composite Coating", CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 599-602, July (SCIE, IF 3.826).
Lin, L. Y., Kim, D. E., Kim, W. K., and Jun, S. C., 2011, "Friction and Wear Characteristics of Multi-Layer Graphene Films Investigated by Atomic Force Microscopy", Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 205, No. 20, pp. 4864-4869, July (SCIE, IF 3.192).
Kang, K. H., Kim, H. J., and Kim, D. E., 2011, "Characteristics of Progressive Damage of ZnO Nanowires During Contact Sliding under Relatively Low Loads", Journal of Nanomaterials, Vol. 2011, pp., October (SCIE, IF 2.233).
Lin, L. Y., and Kim, D. E., 2011, "Tribological Properties of Polymer/Silica Composite Coatings for Microsystems Applications", Tribology International, Vol. 44, No. 12, pp. 1926-1931, November (SCIE, IF 3.517).
Kim, C. L., Kim, Y. T., Lee, K. S., Kim, D. E., Ko, Y. G., and Jang, Y. S., 2012, "Development of Rotary Tool for Removal of Intravascular Blood Clots", International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 413-419, March (SCIE, IF 1.779).
Kim, H. J., and Kim, D. E., 2012, "MD simulation of the Frictional Behavior of CNTs with respect to Orientation", Tribology International, Vol. 50, pp. 51-56, June (SCIE, IF 3.517).
Kim, H. J., and Kim, D. E., 2012, "Effect of Surface Roughness of Top Cover Layer on the Efficiency of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell", Solar energy, Vol. 86, No. 7, pp. 2049-2055, July (SCIE, IF 4.674).
Kim, H. J., and Kim, D. E., 2012, "Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Atomic-Scale Frictional Behavior of Corrugated Nano-Structured Surfaces", Nanoscale, Vol. 4, No. 13, pp. 3937-44, July (SCIE, IF 6.970).
Amanov, A., Cho, I. S., Kim, D. E., and Pyun, Y. S., 2012, "Fretting Wear and Friction Reduction of CP Titanium and Ti-6Al-4V Alloy by Ultrasonic Nanocrystalline Surface Modification", Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 207, pp. 135-142, August (SCIE, IF 3.192).
Kim, K. I., Kim, C. L., and Kim, D. E., 2012, "Characterization of Durability of Coatings for Cell Phone Cover by Wear, Erosion, and Pull-off Tests", International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol. 13, No. 9, pp. 1633-1639, September (SCIE, IF 1.779).
Elangovan, T., George, R. P., Kuppusami, P., Mangalaraj, D., Bera, S., Mohandas, E., and Kim, D. E., 2012, "Development of a CrN/Cu Nanocomposite Coating on Titanium-Modified Stainless Steel for Antibacterial Activity against Pseudomonas Aeruginosa", Biofouling, Vol. 28, No. 8, pp. 779-87, September (SCIE, IF 5.847).
Kim, H. J., Yoo, S. S., and Kim, D. E., 2012, "Nano-Scale Wear: A Review", International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol. 13, No. 9, pp. 1709-1718, September (SCIE, IF 1.779).
Amanov, A., Penkov, O. V., Pyun, Y. S., and Kim, D. E., 2012, "Effects of Ultrasonic Nanocrystalline Surface Modification on the Tribological Properties of AZ91D Magnesium Alloy", Tribology International, Vol. 54, pp. 106-113, October (SCIE, IF 3.517).
Lin, L. Y., and Kim, D. E., 2012, "Measurement of the Elastic Modulus of Polymeric Films Using an AFM with a Steel Micro-Spherical Probe Tip", Polymer Testing, Vol. 31, No. 7, pp. 926-930, October (SCIE, IF 2.943).
Lin, L. Y., and Kim, D. E., 2012, "Effect of Elevated Annealing Temperature on the Microstructure and Nano-Hardness of ZnO Films Deposited by the Sol-Gel Process", International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol. 13, No. 11, pp. 2005-2009, November (SCIE, IF 1.779).
Kang, K. H., Penkov, O. V., Kim, H. J., and Kim, D. E., 2012, "Effectiveness of Bubble Structure in Contact Damage Reduction of Au Film", Tribology International, Vol. 55, pp. 40-45, November (SCIE, IF 3.517).
Penkov, O. V., Bugayev, Y. A., Zhuravel, I., Kondratenko, V. V., Amanov, A., and Kim, D. E., 2012, "Friction and Wear Characteristics of C/Si Bi-layer Coatings Deposited on Silicon Substrate by DC Magnetron Sputtering", Tribology Letters, Vol. 48, No. 2, pp. 123-131, November (SCIE, IF 2.235).
Lee, S. H., Yoo, S. S., Kim, D. E., Kang, B. S., and Kim, H. E., 2012, "Accelerated Wear Test of FKM Elastomer for Life Prediction of Seals", Polymer Testing, Vol. 31, No. 8, pp. 993-1000, December (SCIE, IF 2.943).
Kim, H. J., and Kim, D. E., 2013, "Effects of Proximity on Hardness and Elastic Modulus Measurements of SiO 2 and Cu by Nanoindentation", Tribology Letters, Vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 85-94, January (SCIE, IF 2.235).
Kim, H. J., and Kim, D. E., 2013, "Frictional Behavior of Ag Nanodot-Pattern Fabricated by Thermal Dewetting", Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 215, pp. 234-240, January (SCIE, IF 3.192).
Amanov, A., Cho, I. S., and Kim, D. E., 2013, "Effectiveness of High-Frequency Ultrasonic Peening Treatment on the Tribological Characteristics of Cu-Based Sintered Materials on Steel Substrate", Materials & Design, Vol. 45, pp. 118-124, March (SCIE, IF 5.770).
Penkov, O. V., Lee, D. H., Kim, H., and Kim, D. E., 2013, "Frictional Behavior of Atmospheric Plasma Jet Deposited Carbon-ZnO Composite Coatings", Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 77, pp. 60-66, March (SCIE, IF 6.309).
Won, M. S., Penkov, O. V., and Kim, D. E., 2013, "Durability and Degradation Mechanism of Graphene Coatings Deposited on Cu Substrates under Dry Contact Sliding", Carbon, Vol. 54, pp. 472-481, April (SCIE, IF 7.466).
Penkov, O. V., Pukha, V. E., Zubarev, E. N., Yoo, S. S., and Kim, D. E., 2013, "Tribological Properties of Nanostructured DLC Coatings Deposited by C60 Ion Beam", Tribology International, Vol. 60, pp. 127-135, April (SCIE, IF 3.517).
Amanov, A., Sasaki, S., Cho, I. S., Suzuki, Y., Kim, H. J., and Kim, D. E., 2013, "An Investigation of the Tribological and Nano-Scratch Behaviors of Fe-Ni-Cr Alloy Sintered by Direct Metal Laser Sintering", Materials & Design, Vol. 47, pp. 386-394, May (SCIE, IF 5.770).
Lee, H. D., Penkov, O. V., and Kim, D. E., 2013, "Tribological Behavior of Dual-Layer Electroless-Plated Ag-Carbon Nanotube Coatings", Thin Solid Films, Vol. 534, pp. 410-416, May (SCIE, IF 1.888).
Yoo, S. S., and Kim, D. E., 2013, "Minimum Lubrication Technique Using Silicone Oil for Friction Reduction of Stainless Steel", International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 875-880, June (SCIE, IF 1.779).
Kim, H. J., Kang, K. H., and Kim, D. E., 2013, "Sliding and Rolling Frictional Behavior of a Single ZnO Nanowire During Manipulation with an AFM", Nanoscale, Vol. 5, No. 13, pp. 6081-7, July (SCIE, IF 6.970).
Amanov, A., Sasaki, S., Kim, D. E., Penkov, O. V., and Pyun, Y. S., 2013, "Improvement of the Tribological Properties of Al6061-T6 Alloy under Dry Sliding Conditions", Tribology International, Vol. 64, pp. 24-32, August (SCIE, IF 3.517).
Kim, H. J., and Kim, D. E., 2013, "Wear Minimization through Utilization of Atomic-Scale Functional Surface Structure", Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 103, No. 15, pp. 151904, October (SCIE, IF 3.521).
Chung, K. H., Lee, Y. H., Kim, H. J., and Kim, D. E., 2013, "Fundamental Investigation of the Wear Progression of Silicon Atomic Force Microscope Probes", Tribology Letters, Vol. 52, No. 2, pp. 315-325, November (SCIE, IF 2.235).
Thangavel, E., Ramasundaram, S., Pitchaimuthu, S., Hong, S. W., Lee, S. Y., Yoo, S. S., Kim, D. E., Ito, E., and Karig, Y. S., 2014, "Structural and Tribological Characteristics of Poly(vinylidene fluoride)/Functionalized Graphene Oxide Nanocomposite Thin Films", Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 90, pp. 187-192, January (SCIE, IF 6.309).
Shankar Dhandapani, V., Thangavel, E., Arumugam, M., Shin, K. S., Veeraraghavan, V., Yau, S. Y., Kim, C., and Kim, D. E., 2014, "Effect of Ag Content on the Microstructure, Tribological and Corrosion Properties of Amorphous Carbon Coatings on 316L SS", Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 240, pp. 128-136, February (SCIE, IF 3.192).
Penkov, O., Kim, H. J., Kim, H. J., and Kim, D. E., 2014, "Tribology of Graphene: A Review", International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 577-585, March (SCIE, IF 1.779).
Kim, R. H., Kim, H. J., Bae, I., Hwang, S. K., Velusamy, D. B., Cho, S. M., Takaishi, K., Muto, T., Hashizume, D., Uchiyama, M., Andre, P., Mathevet, F., Heinrich, B., Aoyama, T., Kim, D. E., Lee, H., Ribierre, J. C., and Park, C., 2014, "Non-Volatile Organic Memory with Sub-Millimetre Bending Radius", Nature Communications, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 3583, April (SCIE, IF 11.878).
Won, M. S., Amanov, A., Kim, H. J., Yun, W. S., Joo, W. G., and Kim, D. E., 2014, "Evaluation of the Mechanical and Tribological Properties of a TFT-LCD Panel", Tribology International, Vol. 73, pp. 95-100, May (SCIE, IF 3.517).
Penkov, O. V., Pukha, V. E., Devizenko, A. Y., Kim, H. J., and Kim, D. E., 2014, "Self-Healing Phenomenon and Dynamic Hardness of C60-Based Nanocomposite Coatings", Nano Letters, Vol. 14, No. 5, pp. 2536-40, May (SCIE, IF 12.279).
Yoo, S. S., and Kim, D. E., 2014, "Vapor Phase Lubrication Using High Molecular Weight Lubricant for Friction Reduction of Metals", International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol. 15, No. 5, pp. 867-873, May (SCIE, IF 1.779).
Kim, Y. T., Kim, D. E., Yang, S., and Yoon, E. S., 2014, "Design of Endoscopic Micro-Robotic End Effectors: Safety and Performance Evaluation Based on Physical Intestinal Tissue Damage Characteristics", Biomedical Microdevices, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 397-413, June (SCIE, IF 2.327).
Madhankumar, A., Thangavel, E., Ramakrishna, S., Obot, I. B., Jung, H. C., Shin, K. S., Gasem, Z. M., Kim, H., and Kim, D. E., 2014, "Multi-Functional Ceramic Hybrid Coatings on Biodegradable AZ31 Mg Implants: Electrochemical, Tribological and Quantum Chemical Aspects for Orthopaedic Applications", RSC Advances, Vol. 4, No. 46, pp. 24272-24285, June (SCIE, IF 3.049).
Ryu, B. H., Barthel, A. J., Kim, H. J., Lee, H. D., Penkov, O. V., Kim, S. H., and Kim, D. E., 2014, "Tribological Properties of Carbon Nanotube-Polyethylene Oxide Composite Coatings", Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 101, pp. 102-109, September (SCIE, IF 6.309).
Khadem, M., Penkov, O. V., Pukha, V. E., Maleyev, M. V., and Kim, D. E., 2014, "Ultra-Thin Nano-Patterned Wear-Protective Diamond-Like Carbon Coatings Deposited on Glass Using a C60 Ion Beam", Carbon, Vol. 80, pp. 534-543, December (SCIE, IF 7.466).
Penkov, O. V., Lee, D. H., and Kim, D. E., 2015, "Wear Resistant Coatings for Polymeric Substrates Deposited by Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet", Science of Advanced Materials, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 113-119, January (SCIE, IF 1.158).
Penkov, O. V., Khadem, M., Lim, W. S., and Kim, D. E., 2015, "A Review of Recent Applications of Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jets for Materials Processing", Journal of Coatings Technology and Research, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 225-235, March (SCIE, IF 1.584).
Ryu, B. H., and Kim, D. E., 2015, "Development of Highly Durable and Low Friction Micro-Structured PDMS Coating Based on Bio-Inspired Surface Design", CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 64, No. 1, pp. 519-522, March (SCIE, IF 3.826).
Kim, H. J., Penkov, O. V., and Kim, D. E., 2015, "Tribological Properties of Graphene Oxide Nanosheet Coating Fabricated by Using Electrodynamic Spraying Process", Tribology Letters, Vol. 57, No. 3, pp. 27, March (SCIE, IF 2.235).
Penkov, O. V., Devizenko, A. Y., Khadem, M., Zubarev, E. N., Kondratenko, V. V., and Kim, D. E., 2015, "Toward Zero Micro/Macro-Scale Wear Using Periodic Nano-Layered Coatings", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol. 7, No. 32, pp. 18136-18144, August (SCIE, IF 8.456).
Oh, D. S., Kim, H. J., Kim, J. K., and Kim, D. E., 2015, "Friction and Deformation Behaviors of ~ 60-μm Stainless Steel Micro-Balls for Application in Small Precision Devices", Tribology Letters, Vol. 59, No. 3, pp. 47, September (SCIE, IF 2.235).
Jeong, I., Kim, H. J., Lee, B. S., Son, H. J., Kim, J. Y., Lee, D. K., Kim, D. E., Lee, J., and Ko, M. J., 2015, "Highly Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells Based on Mechanically Durable Molybdenum Cathode", Nano Energy, Vol. 17, pp. 131-139, October (SCIE, IF 15.548).
Park, M., Kim, H. J., Jeong, I., Lee, J., Lee, H., Son, H. J., Kim, D. E., and Ko, M. J., 2015, "Mechanically Recoverable and Highly Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells: Investigation of Intrinsic Flexibility of Organic-Inorganic Perovskite", Advanced Energy Materials, Vol. 5, No. 22, pp. 1501406, November (SCIE, IF 24.884).
Kim, J. K., Xavier, F. A., and Kim, D. E., 2015, "Tribological Properties of Twin Wire Arc Spray Coated Aluminum Cylinder Liner", Materials & Design, Vol. 84, pp. 231-237, November (SCIE, IF 5.770).
Kim, H. J., and Kim, D. E., 2015, "Water Lubrication of Stainless Steel Using Reduced Graphene Oxide Coating", Scientific Reports, Vol. 5, pp. 17034, November (SCIE, IF 4.011).
Shin, D. G., Kim, C. L., Wang, D. Y., Kim, H. J., Noh, K. R., Son, D. S., Penkov, O. V., and Kim, D. E., 2015, "Assessment of Surface Damage Characteristics of Polymeric Optical Sheets of LCD Backlight Unit", Polymer Testing, Vol. 48, pp. 140-150, December (SCIE, IF 2.943).
Kim, J. K., Yoo, S. S., Nemati, N., and Kim, D. E., 2015, "Frictional Characteristics of Sub-100-mµ Borosilicate Glass Balls for Actuator Applications", Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, Vol. 24, No. 6, pp. 2161-2169, December (SCIE, IF 2.621).
Jo, S. S., Cho, S. H., Kim, H. J., Nam, T., Hwang, I., Jung, S. H., Kim, R. H., Velusamy, D. B., Lee, J. H., Park, T., Lee, J. K., Kim, D. E., Lee, H., Kim, H., and Park, C., 2015, "High-Performance Alternating Current Electroluminescent Layers Solution Blended with Mechanically and Electrically Robust Nonradiating Polymers", Journal of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics, Vol. 53, No. 23, pp. 1629-1640, December (SCIE, IF 2.596).
Kim, H. J., Shin, D. G., and Kim, D. E., 2016, "Frictional Behavior between Silicon and Steel Coated with Graphene Oxide in Dry Sliding and Water Lubrication Conditions", International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 91-97, January (SCIE, IF 1.779).
Nemati, N., Emamy, M., Yau, S., Kim, J. K., and Kim, D. E., 2016, "High Temperature Friction and Wear Properties of Graphene Oxide/Polytetrafluoroethylene Composite Coatings Deposited on Stainless Steel", RSC Advances, Vol. 6, No. 7, pp. 5977-5987, January (SCIE, IF 3.049).
Nemati, N., Emamy, M., Penkov, O. V., Kim, J., and Kim, D. E., 2016, "Mechanical and High Temperature Wear Properties of Extruded Al Composite Reinforced with Al13Fe4 CMA Nanoparticles", Materials & Design, Vol. 90, pp. 532-544, January (SCIE, IF 5.770).
Kim, D. H., Yoo, S. S., Kim, H. J., and Kim, D. E., 2016, "Surface Damage Behavior of Polyurethane O-Rings in Automated Material Handling System for Glass Panels", International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 43-50, January (SCIE, IF 1.779).
Yoo, S. S., and Kim, D. E., 2016, "Effects of Vibration Frequency and Amplitude on Friction Reduction and Wear Characteristics of Silicon", Tribology International, Vol. 94, pp. 198-206, February (SCIE, IF 3.517).
Yau, S. Y., Kim, T. H., Yoo, S. S., and Kim, D. E., 2016, "Fundamental Investigation of Micro-Scale Wear Characteristics of Ultra-Fine Gold Wires under Low Contact Force and Long Sliding Distance", Wear, Vol. 348, pp. 1-9, February (SCIE, IF 2.950).
Kim, C. L., and Kim, D. E., 2016, "Self-healing Characteristics of Collagen Coatings with Respect to Surface Abrasion", Scientific Reports, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 20563, March (SCIE, IF 4.011).
Dhandapani, V. S., Subbiah, R., Thangavel, E., Arumugam, M., Park, K., Gasem, Z. M., Veeraragavan, V., and Kim, D. E., 2016, "Tribological Properties, Corrosion Resistance and Biocompatibility of Magnetron Sputtered Titanium-Amorphous Carbon Coatings", Applied Surface Science, Vol. 371, pp. 262-274, May (SCIE, IF 5.155).
Yau, S. Y., Yoo, S. S., Penkov, O. V., and Kim, D. E., 2016, "Wear Reduction of Borosilicate Glass Microballs Using Vapor-Phase Lubrication With N-Pentanol", Tribology Transactions, Vol. 59, No. 3, pp. 507-512, May (SCIE, IF 1.759).
Kim, H. J., Seo, K. J., Kang, K. H., and Kim, D. E., 2016, "Nano-Lubrication: A Review", International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 829-841, June (SCIE, IF 1.779).
Khadem, M., Penkov, O. V., Pukha, V. E., Maleyev, M. V., and Kim, D. E., 2016, "Ultra-Thin Carbon-Based Nanocomposite Coatings for Superior Wear Resistance under Lubrication with Nano-Diamond Additives", RSC Advances, Vol. 6, No. 62, pp. S6918-S6929, June (SCIE, IF 3.049).
Penkov, O. V., Pukha, V. E., Starikova, S. L., Khadem, M., Starikov, V. V., Maleev, M. V., and Kim, D. E., 2016, "Highly Wear-Sesistant and Biocompatible Carbon Nanocomposite Coatings for Dental Implants", Biomaterials, Vol. 102, pp. 130-6, September (SCIE, IF 10.273).
Kim, C. L., Penkov, O. V., Shin, D. G., and Kim, D. E., 2016, "Investigation of Micro-Abrasion Characteristics of Thin Metallic Coatings by In-Situ SEM Scratch Test", International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol. 17, No. 9, pp. 1139-1147, September (SCIE, IF 1.779).
Kang, S. B., Lee, J., Lee, S., Kim, S., Kim, J. K., Algadi, H., Al-Sayari, S., Kim, D. E., Kim, D., and Lee, T., 2016, "Highly Sensitive Pressure Sensor Based on Bioinspired Porous Structure for Real-Time Tactile Sensing", Advanced Electronic Materials, Vol. 2, No. 12, pp. 1600356, December (SCIE, IF 6.312).
Kim, H. J., Seo, K. J., and Kim, D. E., 2016, "Investigation of Mechanical Behavior of Single- and Multi-Layer Graphene by Using Molecular Dynamics Simulation", International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol. 17, No. 12, pp. 1693-1701, December (SCIE, IF 1.779).
Penkov, O. V., Khadem, M., Nieto, A., Kim, H., and Kim, D. E., 2017, "Design and Construction of a Micro-Tribotester for Precise In-Situ Wear Measurements", Micromachines, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 103, April (SCIE, IF 2.426).
Wang, D. Y., Kim, C. L., and Kim, D. E., 2017, "Development of Flexible Polymer Sheet with High Surface Durability Using Discretely Embedded Micro-Balls", CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 66, No. 1, pp. 527-530, April (SCIE, IF 3.826).
Nieto, A., Kim, J., Penkov, O. V., Kim, D. E., and Schoenung, J. M., 2017, "Elevated Temperature Wear Behavior of Thermally Sprayed WC-Co/Nanodiamond Composite Coatings", Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 315, pp. 283-293, April (SCIE, IF 3.192).
Shin, D. G., Kim, T. H., and Kim, D. E., 2017, "Review of 4D Printing Materials and their Properties", International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 349-357, July (SCIE, IF 1.779).
Nemati, N., Bozorg, M., Penkov, O. V., Shin, D. G., Sadighzadeh, A., and Kim, D. E., 2017, "Functional Multi-Nanolayer Coatings of Amorphous Carbon/Tungsten Carbide with Exceptional Mechanical Durability and Corrosion Resistance", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol. 9, No. 35, pp. 30149-30160, September (SCIE, IF 8.456).
Xu, S. S., Weng, L. J., Liu, Y. Z., Kang, K. H., Kim, C. L., and Kim, D. E., 2017, "Microstructure Evolution and Enhanced Vacuum Tribological Performance of Ni-Doped WS2 Composite Coating", Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 325, pp. 81-88, September (SCIE, IF 3.192).
Khadem, M., Penkov, O. V., Yang, H. K., and Kim, D. E., 2017, "Tribology of Multilayer Coatings for Wear Reduction: A Review", Friction, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 248-262, September (SCIE, IF 3.000).
Kim, C. L., Jung, C. W., Oh, Y. J., and Kim, D. E., 2017, "A highly flexible transparent conductive electrode based on nanomaterials", NPG Asia Materials, Vol. 9, No. 10, pp. e438-e438, October (SCIE, IF 8.052).
Kheradmandfard, M., Kashani-Bozorg, S. F., Kim, C. L., Hanzaki, A. Z., Pyoun, Y. S., Kim, J. H., Amanov, A., and Kim, D. E., 2017, "Nanostructured Beta-Type Ttanium Alloy Fabricated by Ultrasonic Nanocrystal Surface Modification", Ultrasonics sonochemistry, Vol. 39, No. pp. 698-706, November (SCIE, IF 7.279).
Lee, K., Lee, J., Kim, G., Kim, Y., Kang, S., Cho, S., Kim, S., Kim, J. K., Lee, W., Kim, D. E., Kang, S., Kim, D., Lee, T., and Shim, W., 2017, "Rough-Surface-Enabled Capacitive Pressure Sensors with 3D Touch Capability", Small, Vol. 13, No. 43, pp. 1700368, November (SCIE, IF 10.856).
Kim, C. L., Lee, J. J., Oh, Y. J., and Kim, D. E., 2017, "Smart Wearable Heaters with High Durability, Flexibility, Water-Repellent and Shape Memory Characteristics", Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 152, pp. 173-180, November (SCIE, IF 6.309).
Kim, C. L., and Kim, D. E., 2017, "Durability and Self-healing Effects of Hydrogel Coatings with respect to Contact Condition", Scientific Reports, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 6896, July (SCIE, IF 4.011).
Nieto, A., Jiang, L., Kim, J., Kim, D. E., and Schoenung, J. M., 2017, "Synthesis and Multi Scale Tribological Behavior of WC-Co/Nanodiamond Nanocomposites", Scientific Reports, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 7060, August (SCIE, IF 4.011).
Penkov, O. V., Khadem, M., Lee, J. S., Kheradmandfard, M., Kim, C. L., Cho, S. W., and Kim, D. E., 2018, "Highly Durable and Biocompatible Periodical Si/DLC Nanocomposite Coatings", Nanoscale, Vol. 10, No. 10, pp. 4852-4860, March (SCIE, IF 6.970).
Kheradmandfard, M., Kashani-Bozorg, S. F., Kang, K. H., Penkov, O. V., Hanzaki, A. Z., Pyoun, Y. S., Amanov, A., and Kim, D.E., 2018, "Simultaneous Grain Refinement and Nanoscale Spinodal Decomposition of β Phase in Ti-Nb-Ta-Zr Alloy Induced by Ultrasonic Mechanical Impacts", Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 738, pp. 540-549, March (SCIE, IF 4.175).
Oh, D. S., Kang, K. H., Kim, H. J., Kim, J. K., Won, M. S., and Kim, D. E., 2018, "Tribological Characteristics of Micro-Ball Bearing with V-Shaped Grooves Coated with Ultra-Thin Protective Layers", Tribology International, Vol. 119, pp. 481-490, March (SCIE, IF 3.517).
Min, Y. J., Kang, K. H., and Kim, D. E., 2018, "Development of Polyimide Films Reinforced with Boron Nitride and Boron Nitride Nanosheets for Transparent Flexible Device Applications", Nano Research, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp. 2366-2378, May (SCIE, IF 8.515).
Lim, W. S., Khadem, M., Anle, Y., and Kim, D. E., 2018, "Fabrication of Polytetrafluoroethylene-Carbon Nanotube Composite Coatings for Friction and Wear Reduction", Polymer Composites, Vol. 39, No. S2, pp. E710-E722, May (SCIE, IF 2.268).
Xu, S., Liu, Y., Gao, M., Kang, K. H., Kim, C. L., and Kim, D. E., 2018, "Selective Release of Less Defective Graphene During Sliding of an Incompletely Reduced Graphene Oxide Coating on Steel", Carbon, Vol. 134, pp. 411-422, August (SCIE, IF 7.466).
Popova, E., Popov, V. L., and Kim, D. E., 2018, "60 Years of Rabinowicz' Criterion for Adhesive Wear", Friction, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 341-348, September (SCIE, IF 3.000).
Khadem, M., Park, T. L., Penkov, O. V., and Kim, D. E., 2018, "Highly Transparent Micro-Patterned Protective Coatings on Polyethylene Terephthalate for Flexible Solar Cell Applications", Solar energy, Vol. 171, pp. 629-637, September (SCIE, IF 4.674).
Kheradmandfard, M., Kashani-Bozorg, S. F., Lee, J. S., Kim, C. L., Hanzaki, A. Z., Pyun, Y. S., Cho, S. W., Amanov, A., and Kim, D. E., 2018, "Significant Improvement in Cell Adhesion and Wear Resistance of Biomedical β-type Titanium Alloy through Ultrasonic Nanocrystal Surface Modification", Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 762, pp. 941-949, September (SCIE, IF 4.175).
Ku, M., Kim, H. J., Yau, S. Y., Yoon, N., Kim, N. H., Yook, J. I., Suh, J. S., Kim, D. E., and Yang, J., 2018, "Microsphere-Based Nanoindentation for the Monitoring of Cellular Cortical Stiffness Regulated by MT1-MMP", Small, Vol. 14, No. 41, pp. e1803000, October (SCIE, IF 10.856).
Abedi, H. R., Hanzaki, A. Z., Nemati, N., and Kim, D. E., 2018, "Trading Off Between Dynamic Strain Aging and Substructure Evolution in K-Carbide-Free Lightweight Steel at Room Temperature", Scripta Materialia, Vol. 157, pp. 110-114, December (SCIE, IF 4.539).
Demirtas, S., Kaleli, H., Khadem, M., and Kim, D. E., 2018, "Tribotest of Engine Piston Ring/Cylinder Liner Pairs with Different Nanoparticles Added into Engine Oil", Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Vol. 72, No. 2, pp. 217-231, December (SCIE, IF 1.037).
Yang, H. K., Khadem, M., Penkov, O. V., and Kim, D. E., 2019, "Increased Elasticity and Damping Capacity of Diamond-Like Carbon Coatings by Immobilized C-60 fullerene clusters", Nanoscale, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 2863-2870, February (SCIE, IF 6.970).
Penkov, O. V., Khadem, M., and Kim, D. E., 2019, "Hard, Flexible, and Transparent Nanolayered SiN x/BN Periodical Coatings", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol. 11, No. 10, pp. 9685-9690, March (SCIE, IF 8.456).
Penkov, O. V., Kheradmandfard, M., Khadem, M., Kharaziha, M., Mirzaamiri, R., Seo, K. J., and Kim, D. E., 2019, "Ion-Beam Irradiation of DLC-Based Nanocomposite: Creation of a Highly Biocompatible Surface", Applied Surface Science, Vol. 469, pp. 896-903, March (SCIE, IF 5.155).
Xu, S., Liu, Y., Gao, M., Kang, K. H., Shin, D. G., and Kim, D. E., 2019, "Superior Lubrication of Dense/Porous-Coupled Nanoscale C/WS2 Multilayer Coating on Ductile Substrate", Applied Surface Science, Vol. 476, pp. 724-732, May (SCIE, IF 5.155).
Shin, D. G., Kim, T. H., and Kim, D. E., 2019, "Assessment of Nano-Scale Tribological and Mechanical Properties of Flexible Transparent Polymers based on Atomic Force Microscopy", CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 68, No. 1, pp. 599-602, June (SCIE, IF 3.826).
Dhandapani, V. S., Kang, K. M., Seo, K. J., Kim, C. L., and Kim, D. E., 2019, "Enhancement of Tribological Properties of DLC by Incorporation of Amorphous Titanium Using Magnetron Sputtering Process", Ceramics International, Vol. 45, No. 9, pp. 11971-11981, June (SCIE, IF 3.450).
Thangavel, E., Dhandapani, V. S., Dharmalingam, K., Marimuthu, M., Veerapandian, M., Arumugam, M. K., Kim, S., Kim, B., Ramasundaram, S., and Kim, D. E., 2019, "RF Magnetron Sputtering Mediated NiTi/Ag Coating on Ti-Alloy Substrate with Enhanced Biocompatibility and Durability", Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications, Vol. 99, pp. 304-314, June (SCIE, IF 4.959).
Demirtas, S., Kaleli, H., Khadem, M., and Kim, D. E., 2019, "Characterization of the Friction and Wear Effects of Graphene Nanoparticles in Oil on the Ring/Cylinder Liner of Internal Combustion Engine", Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Vol. 71, No. 5, pp. 642-652, July (SCIE, IF 1.037).
Liu, Y. Z., Gao, M. Y., Xu, S. S., and Kim, D. E., 2019, "Study on Electroconductive Tribological Properties of Ag-Based Composite Coating", International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol. 20, No. 8, pp. 1405-1413, August (SCIE, IF 1.779).
Hwang, C., Min, Y., Seong, Y. J., Kim, D. E., Kim, H. E., and Jeong, S. H., 2019, "Enhanced Biolubrication on Biomedical Devices Using Hyaluronic Acid-Silica Nanohybrid Hydrogels", Colloids and Surfaces B-Biointerfaces, Vol. 184, pp. 110503, December (SCIE, IF 3.973).
Nemati, N., Penkov, O. V., and Kim, D. E., 2020, "Superior Surface Protection Governed by Optimized Interface Characteristics in WC/DLC Multilayer Coating", Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 385, pp. 125446, March (SCIE, IF 3.192).
Kim, J. S., Kim, B. K., Jang, M., Kang, K., Kim, D. E., Ju, B. K., Kim, J., 2020, "Wearable Hand Module and Real-Time Tracking Algorithms for Measuring Finger Joint Angles of Different Hand Sizes with High Accuracy using FBG Strain Sensor", Sensor, Vol. 20, No. 7, pp. 1921, March (SCIE, IF 3.031).
Seo, K. J., and Kim, D. E., 2020, "Molecular Dynamics Investigation on the Nano-Mechanical Behaviour of C60 Fullerene and Its Crystallized Structure", Nanoscale, Vol. 12, pp. 9849-9858, April (SCIE, IF 6.970).
Kim, C. L., Lee, J. Y., Shin, D. G., Yeo, J. S., and Kim, D. E., 2020, “Mechanism of Heat-Induced Fusion of Silver Nanowires", Scientific Reports, Accepted, (SCIE, IF 4.011).
Bae, S.M., Seo, K. J. and Kim, D. E., 2020 "Effect of Friction on the Contract Stress of a Coated Polymer Gear", Friction, Vol. 8, pp. 1169, December (SCIE, IF 5.29).
Kheradmandfard, M., Mahdavi, K., Kharazi, A. Z., Kashani-Bozorg, S. F and Kim, D. E., 2020 "In vitro study of a novel multi-substituted hydroxyapatite nanopowder synthesized by an ultra-fast, efficient and green microwave-assisted method", Material Science & Engineering C, Vol. 117, pp. 111310, December (SCIE, IF 5.880).
Kim, B. K., Kang, K. -H., Gao, M. -Y., Kim, J. S., and Kim, D. E., 2021 " Effect of V-Groove Surface Pattern on the Tribological Properties of Epoxy", Triboloy Transactions, Vol. 64, pp. 302-312, January (SCIE, IF 1.960).
Ebrahimain, M., Enayati, M. H., Karimzadeh, F., Min, Y. J., and Kim, D. E., 2021 "Microstructure and mechanical properties of hot-pressed Ti-Co-Si compounds reinforced by intermetallic phases", Materials Characterization, Vol. 171, pp 110816, January (SCIE, IF 3.562).
Kaleli, H., Demirtas, S., Uysal, V., Karnis, I., Stylianakis, M. M., Anastasiadis, S. H., Kim, D. E., 2021 "Tribological Performance Investigation of a Commercial Engine Oil Incorporating Reduced Graphene Oxide as Additive", Nanomaterials, Vol. 11, pp. 1-14, February (SCIE, IF 5.3).
Liu, Y., Shin, D. G., Xu, S., Kim, C. L., and Kim, D. E., 2021 "Understanding of the lubrication mechanism of reduced graphene oxide coating via dual in-situ monitoring of the chemical and topographic structural evolution", Carbon, Vol. 173, pp. 941-952, March (SCIE, IF 8.821).
Khadem, M., and Kim, D. E., 2021 "Friction and wear behaviors of bare and diamond-like carbon/chromium bi-layer coated SKH51 steel at low temperatures", Surface & Coatings Technology, Vol. 412, pp. 127018, April (SCIE, IF 3.784).
Kheradmandfard, M., Minouei, H., Tsvetkov, N., Vayghan, A. K., Kashi-Bozorg, S. F., Kim, G. W., Hong, S. I., and Kim, D. E., 2021 " Ultrafast green microwave-assisted synthesis of high-entropy oxide nanoparticles of Li-ion battery applications", Materials chemistry and physics, Vol, 262, pp. 124265, April (SCIE, IF 3.408).
Mirzaamiri, R., Akbarzadeh, S., Ziaei-Rad, S., Shin. D. G., and Kim, D. E., 2021 " Molecular dynamics simulation and experimental investigation of tribological behavior of nanodiamonds in aqueous suspensions", Tribology International, Vol. 156, pp. 106838, April (SCIE, IF 4.271).
Min, Y. J., Penkov, O. V., Khadem, M., and Kim, D. E., 2021 "Effects of molybdenum-based substrate coatings on tribological performance of graphene films", Carbon, Vol. 176, pp. 488-499, May (SCIE, IF 8.821).
Khadem, M., Pukha, V. E., Penkov, O. V., Khodos, I. I., Belmesov, A. A., Nechaev, G. V., Kabachkov, E. V., Karaseov, P. A., Kim, D. E., 2021 "Formation of wear-resistant graphite/diamond-like carbon nanocomposite coatings on Ti using accelerated C60-ions", Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 424, pp. 127670, October (SCIE, IF 4.158).
Khadem, M., Penkov, O. V., Jais, J., Bae, S. M., Dhandapani, V. S., Kang, B., Kim, D. E., 2021 " Formation of discrete periodic nanolayered coatings through tailoring of nanointerfaces-Toward zero macroscale wear", Science Advances, Vol. 7, No. 47, pp. eabk1224, November (SCIE, IF 14.136).
Man, Z., Wang, H., He, Q., Kim, D. E., Chang, L., 2021 " Friction and wear behaviour of additively manufactured continuous carbon fibre reinforced PA6 composites", Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 226, pp. 109332, December (SCIE, IF 9.078).
Liu, Y., Han, J. H., Wang, T., Hwang, Y. H., Xu, S., Liu, W., Kim, D. E., 2022 " Tribochemical reaction and wear mechanism of MoDTC based friction modifier", Tribology International, Vol. 165, pp. 107302, January (SCIE, IF 4.872).
Kim, B. K., Han, D. L., Kang, K. H., Kim, D. E., 2022 " Numerical and experimental study of tribological properties of glass/polymer-based micro ball bearings", Wear, Vol. 488, pp. 204173, January (SCIE, IF 3.892).
Min, Y. J., Kim, C. L., Kim, D. E., 2022 " Tribological properties of the hierarchically structured graphene oxide composite coatings reinforced with polyvinyl alcohol", Wear, Vol. 490-491, pp. 204212, February (SCIE, IF 3.892).
Minouei, H., Kheradmandfard, M., Rizi M. S., Jalaly, M., Kim, D. E., Hong, S. I., 2022 " Formation mechanism of high-entropy spinel thin film and its mechanical and magnetic properties: Linking high-entropy alloy to high-entropy ceramic", Applied Surface Science, Vol. 576, pp. 151719, February (SCIE, IF 6.707).
Kheradmandfard, M., Penkov, O. V., Kashani-Bozorg, S.F., Lee, J. S., Kim, C. L., Khadem, M., Cho, S. -W., Zarei Hanzaki, A., Kim, D. -E., 2022, " Exceptional improvement in the wear resistance of biomedical β-type titanium alloy with the use of a biocompatible multilayer Si/DLC nanocomposite coating", Ceramics International, Vol. 48, pp. 17376-17384, June (SCIE, IF 5.532).
Liu, Y., Zhang, K., Han, J. -H., Hwang, Y. -H., Xu, S., Kim, D. -E., 2022, “One-step method to enhance biotribological properties and biocompatibility of DLC coating by ion beam irradiation", Friction, Vol. 10, pp. 1114-1126, March (SCIE, IF 6.167).
Khadem, M., Hwang, Y. H., Penkov, O. V., Kim, D. E., 2022, “Ultralow Macroscale Friction and Wear of MoS2 in High-Vacuum Through DC Pulsing Optimization, Nitridization, and Sublayer Engineering", Advanced Materials Interfaces, Vol. 9, No. 31, pp. 2201412-2201412, September (SCIE, IF 6.389)
Jin, J., Bhat, R., Mangal, U., Seo, J.Y., Min, Y.J., Yu, J.H., Kim, D.E., Kuroda, K., Kwon, J.S., and Choi, S.H., 2022, "Molecular weight tuning optimizes poly(2-methoxyethyl acrylate) dispersion to enhance the aging resistance and anti-fouling behavior of denture base resin", Biomaterials Science, October (SCIE, IF 7.59).
Seo, K. J., Kim, D. E., 2022, “Deformation Behavior of Crystalline Cr-Ni Multilayer Coatings by Using Molecular Dynamics Simulation”, Lubricants, Vol. 10, No. 12, pp. 357, December (SCIE, IF 3.584)
Minouei, H., Tsvetkov, N., Kheradmandfard, M., Han, J. H., Kim, D. E., Hong, S. L., 2022, “Tuning the electrochemical performance of high-entropy oxide nanopowder for anode Li-ion storage via structural tailoring”, Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 549, pp. 232041, November (SCIE, IF 9.794)
Kim, B. K., Jang, M. S., Kim, J. S., Kang, K. M., Kim, D. -E., Kim, J. S., 2022, “Investigation of FBG Linear/Angular Acceleration Sensor for Novel Type Inertial Measurement”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, August (SCIE, IF 8.162).
Minouei, H., Jalaly, M., Kheradmandfard, M., Rizi, M. S., Kim, D. E., Hong, S. I., 2023, "Rapid microwave-assisted synthesis and magnetic properties of high-entropy spinel (Cr0. 2Mn0. 2Fe0. 2Co0. 2-xNi0. 2Znx) 3O4 nanoparticles", Ceramics International, Vol. 49, No. 8, pp. 11885-11892, April (SCIE, IF 5.1)
Seo,K.J., Kim, H.J., Kim, D.E., 2023, "Feasibility of wear reduction for soft nanostructured thin film through enhanced elastic recoverability and contact stress relief", Friction, June (SCIE, IF 4.924).
Dhandapani, V. S., Subbiah, R., Thangavel, E., Kim, C. L., Kang, K. M., Veeraraghavan, V., Park, K. D., Kim, D. E., Park, D. K., Kim, B. K., 2023, “Effect of Target Power on Microstructure Tribological Per-formance and Biocompatibility of Magnetron Sputtered Amorphous Carbon Coatings”, Materials, Vol. 16, No. 17, 5788, August (SCIE, IF 3.4).
Pukha, V. E., Glukhov, A. A., Belmesov, A. A., Kabachkov, E. N., Khodos, I. I., Khadem, M., Kim, D. E., Karaseov, P. A., 2023, “Corrosion-resistant nanostructured carbon-based coatings for applications in fuel cells based on bipolar plates”, Vacuum, pp.112643, September (SCIE, IF 4.000).
Khadem, M., Kang, W. B., Kim, D. E., 2023, “Green Tribology: A Review of Biodegradable Lubricants-Properties, Current Status, and Future Improvement Trends”, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 565-583, September (SCIE, IF 4.2).
Chi, J. B., Ma, H. J., Lee, G. S., Park, J. H., Kim, D. E., 2024, “Effect of Speed and Number of Sliding Cycles on the Film Formation Behavior of Fluorine-Based Grease", Lubricants, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 26, January (SCIE, IF 3.5).
Min, Y. J., Hwang, Y. H., Kim, D. E., 2024, “Tribological Properties of CNT microspheres as a Lubricant Additive”, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 639-646, January (SCIE, IF 1.9).
Wang, G., Guo, L., Ruan, Y., Zhao, G., Zhang, X., Liu, Y., Kim, D. E., 2024, “Improved wear and corrosion resistance of alumina alloy by MAO and PECVD", Surface & Coatings Technology, Vol. 479, pp. 130556, February (SCIE, IF 5.4).
Kang, W. B., Seo, K. J., Kim, D. E., 2024, “Degradation behavior of DLC thin film under gamma-rays irradiation using molecular dynamics simulation", Diamond & Related Materials, Vol. 144, pp. 110990, March (SCIE, IF 4.1).
Ma, L., Nemati, N., Kim, D. E., Aghababaei, R, 2024, "Interface Amorphization Controls Maximum Wear Resistance of Multinanolayer DLC/WC Coatings", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol. 16, No. 14, pp. 18090-18098, March (SCIE, IF 8.5).
Liu, Y., Han, J. H., Xu, S., Jung, Y. C., Kim, D. E., 2024, "Dual in-situ observation of tribochemical and morphological evolution of single-layer WS2 and multi-layer WS2/C coatings", Friction, Vol. 12, No. 7, pp. 1-19, April (SCIE, IF 6.3).
Wang, G., Zhao, G., Yin, T., Chu, X., Ding, Q., Liu, Y., Kim, D. E., 2024, "Exploration on the enhanced mechanism of copper surface tribology by WS2 from MD simulation", Vacuum, Vol. 225, pp. 113291, July (SCIE, IF 3.8).
Davoudi, M., An, C. Y., Kim, D. E., 2024, "A Review on Triboelectric Nanogenerators, Recent Applications, and Challenges", International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology, Vol. 11, No.4, pp. 1317-1340, July (SCIE, IF 5.3).
Hwang, Y. H., Seo, K. J., Kim, T. H., Min, Y. J., Liu, Y., Kim, D. E., 2024, "Tribological behavior of TiN, AlTiN, and AlTiCrN coatings in atmospheric and vacuum environment", Friction, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 1317-1340, July (SCIE, IF 6.3)
Kheradmandfard, M., Kharazi, A. Z., Javanmard, S. H., Minouei, H., Rahimzadeh, R., Kim, D. E., 2024, "Architecting ultra-thin SiO2 shell for high magnetic performance of Fe3O4 nanoparticles for biomedical applications", Inorganic Chemistry Communications, Vol. 168, pp. 112845, October (SCIE, IF 4.4).
Liu, Y., Le, K., Han, J. H., Teng, H., Xiu, Z., Jung, Y. C., Kim, D. E., 2024, "Understanding the influence of carbon interlayers on material removal and tribochemical evolution in multilayer coatings through In-Situ analysis", Carbon, Vol. 230, pp. 119593, November (SCIE, IF 10.5).
Hwang, Y. H., Kim, T. H., & Kim, D. E., 2024, "Effectiveness of airborne particle monitoring technique for assessment of wear progression of mechanical components", Wear, Vol. 558, pp. 205566, December, (SCIE, IF 5.3).
Kim, T. H., Kim, D. E., 2024, "Tribological Properties of Polydimethylsiloxane Grafted with Poly(Ethylene Glycol) Methyl Ether Methacrylate Under Water Lubrication", Lubricants, Vol. 12, No. 12, pp. 426, December (SCIE, IF 3.1).
Kim, H. J., Jang, Y. H., Kim, D. E, 2025, "Status and prospects of tribology in Republic of Korea", Friction, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 9440978, January (SCIE, IF 6.3).
Lu, G., Liang, Z., Qi, X., Wang, G., Liu, Y., Kang, W. B., Kim, D. E., 2025, "Enhancement of tribological performance of PTFE/aramid fabric liner under high-temperature and heavy-load through incorporation of microcapsule/CF multilayer composite structure", Tribology International, Vol. 201, pp. 110239, January (SCIE, IF 6.1).
Kim, T. H., Jang, J. Y., Kim, H. J., Kim, D. E., 2025, "Tribological Design Optimization of Probe Card Tip for Enhanced Chip Manufacturing ", International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, pp. 1-8, January (SCIE, IF 2.6).